Svizra 27

Labor Ludens _ Shaping the future together | is the motto of the winning project for the national exhibition "Svizra27". Labor Ludens is designed as a participatory game and will make it possible to experience different futures. It invites people to question themselves and to answer the question of what holds us together as a society.

Becker Architects and Planners play a leading role in architecture and spatial planning in an interdisciplinary team of urban planners, architects, game designers, designers and communication designers.

Labor Ludens tests new ideas for social and spatial cohesion in Switzerland. What vision must prosperous, high-tech Switzerland develop in a globalized world in order to meet its social and ecological responsibility for the planet? Robotics and advancing digitalization are giving rise to new value chains and new types of domestic production with implications for society and the use of space. How can the collective and interpersonal relationships be reshaped under these conditions? The territorial structure of Labor Ludens is held together by the life sciences, agriculture, food production and logistics. Labor Ludens is conceived as a generational project and is intended to appeal to people at different stages of life.

Labor Ludens is designed as a large, experimental game. Nine locations in the five cantons of Northwestern Switzerland, which are defined within the feasibility study, are representative of the spatial typologies of metropolis, urban network, small town and village in rural areas, based on the main theme of "People - Work - Cohesion". Eight spatial time capsules along the rivers Aare, Birs, Doubs, Limmat, Rhine and Reuss invite visitors to playfully develop, experience and then seriously evaluate possible, high-density futures. 

A forum, which will serve as a space for reflection, discussion and further thinking, will form the ninth focal point of Svizra27, where questions about the future will be played out and negotiated in philosophical congresses, workshops, slam poetry competitions and DJ gigs. How do we want to live together? How do we want to work? The results are the collective scenarios that are continuously produced in the eight space-time capsules and which are evaluated by a changing "Council of the Wise" and selected groups such as young people or migrants and fed into the forum. The space-time capsules are connected to each other and to the forum through forms of mobility with different speeds and technologies as well as changing references to the landscape.

The pleasure and joy factor of the National Exhibition Svizra27 is an important part of the in-depth project development within the feasibility study. The various facets of Northwestern Switzerland should be made visible and tangible. Svizra27 in Northwestern Switzerland is an invitation to the Swiss population, full of surprises.

Further information can be found at

Curatorial Concept Svizra27

North-West Switzerland


Verein Landesausstellung Svizra27

Commercial | Urban Design

International Competition, 1st Price 

Interdisciplinary team of urban planners, architects, game designers, designers and communication designers: 
Fabienne Hoelzel, Fabulous Urban, Claudia Meier, MBAA, Florian Faller, Bits&Beasts, Christian Weber, Plasmadesign Studio, Michael Becker, Becker Architects Planners

Fabienne Perret, Remo Baumberger, EBP Schweiz AG
Matthias Rudolph, Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH

DRAWING | VISUALISATION:                
Becker Architects Planners






Keselstraße 14
87435 Kempten. Allgäu
P.: +49.831.745 8998.0  
F.: +49.831.745 8998.9


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