Spatial awareness | Imagine you are in a forest clearing, surrounded by mighty trees whose branches stretch far into the sky. The sunlight falls in soft rays through the canopy of leaves and creates a play of light and shadow on the forest floor. This feeling forms the core idea for the new DAV climbing center: to translate the association and sense of space of climbing in nature - on a boulder in a forest clearing - into an architectural form.

Spatial integration | The climbing center blends seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. The glazed and openable structure on all sides of the building blurs the boundaries between inside and outside. The topography of the site is used to create natural grandstands that blend harmoniously into the landscape and offer visitors a variety of perspectives and usage options. These gently sculpted natural grandstands make it possible to experience climbing from different angles, playfully break down barriers, create a desire for something new and at the same time create a strong connection to the surrounding nature.

Tree structure | The architectural centerpiece of the climbing center is the tree-like structure that supports a floating roof in the parking area.This structure is not only aesthetically impressive, but also functional. It allows for flexible and modular expansion of the building and forms the basis for the multi-layered climbing wall structures suitable for competitions. These climbing walls are integrated directly into the supporting structure, making additional substructures superfluous and allowing synergy effects in load transfer and bracing to be utilized.

Flowing spatial transitions | Another central element of the design is the densification towards the inside while at the same time maximizing transparency and opening up to the outside. In the summer months, the large-scale glass façade can be opened up completely, allowing for a flowing sense of space and natural ventilation. This architectural openness creates a unique atmosphere in which the boundaries between interior and exterior space are not only visually, but also physically and climatically blurred.

Spatial interlocking | All functional areas - from outdoor climbing, indoor climbing, foyer and café, bouldering to administration - are integrated under the floating roof and spatially interlocked both vertically and horizontally. This complex spatial structure makes it possible for athletes, guests, spectators, café visitors and administrative staff to experience and use the center equally, including from climbing-specific perspectives, with the aim of encouraging exchange and interaction between the various user groups and creating a lively and dynamic environment, a center for everyone.

Sense of space | The result is a climbing center that conveys a unique, natural sense of space. The architectural design blurs the boundaries between inside and outside and maximizes the integration of all spatial and functional areas. This innovative and holistically designed center not only offers a variety of climbing and leisure opportunities, but also creates a place of encounter and exchange that focuses on the connection with nature. It is a space in which the architecture and the surrounding park-like outdoor space enter into a symbiotic relationship to enable a unique indoor and outdoor climbing experience.

Climbing Sports Hall




Institutional | Infrastructure

Competition, 1st Price

Michael Becker, Franz Schröck

PLANNING TEAM:               
IB Hartmann & Walter, Kempten
IB Hirdina, Kempten

Becker Architects Planners

Becker Architects Planners






Keselstraße 14
87435 Kempten. Allgäu
P.: +49.831.745 8998.0  
F.: +49.831.745 8998.9


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